Finishing up on The Broker


Today I finished up my part of The Broker - the service registry and the service load (for load balancing) and they were pretty simple modules. That's a good thing because I'm new to erlang, and the simpler the better. Even so, I was introduced to the erlang crash dumps, and picked my way threw a few. Not easy, but once you know what to look for, it's not too bad. Certainly no worse than gdb.

Then I started work on converting the C++ code I had to use the new Broker. It was mostly a gutting as the code I had added for the direct dial was now useless, and that simplified the code quite a bit. Then I needed to add in the ability to send in the load numbers for each service, and I was in business.

I updated my Broker tests - the client and the service, and they now work nicely as well. It's a really good day. Lots of nice progress.