Successful Tests with ZeroMQ – Time to Update


I've had a very successful day testing ZeroMQ in my ticker plants with the updated parameters that had been hinted to me by a co-worker. It's not something I'd have thought to try, given that we're using OpenPGM - I thought the socket buffers were going to be controlled by OpenPGM, but I guess not.

In any case, if I create a socket and then set the send and receive buffers to 64MB and the peak speed to 500Mbps with a 100 msec recovery interval:

  // set the send and receive buffers to 64MB each
  static int64_t      __sndbuf = 67108864;
  static int64_t      __rcvbuf = 67108864;
  // have the maximum sending rate be 500Mbps
  static int64_t      __rate = 500000;
  // ...and the recovery interval 100 msec
  static int64_t      __recovery = 100;
  // create the socket...
  try {
    mSocket = new zmq::socket_t(*mContext, ZMQ_PUB);
    if (mSocket == NULL) {
      error = true;
      cLog.error("could not create the socket!");
    } else {
      // now let's set the parameters one by one...
      mSocket->setsockopt(ZMQ_SNDBUF, &__sndbuf, sizeof(__sndbuf));
      mSocket->setsockopt(ZMQ_RCVBUF, &__rcvbuf, sizeof(__rcvbuf));
      mSocket->setsockopt(ZMQ_RATE, &__rate, sizeof(__rate));
      mSocket->setsockopt(ZMQ_RECOVERY_IVL_MSEC, &__recovery,
      // now let's connect to the right multicast group
  } catch (zmq::error_t & e) {
    cLog.error("while creating the socket an exception was thrown!");
    if (mSocket != NULL) {
      delete mSocket;
      mSocket = NULL;

I've got a lot more testing to do, but these parameters really seem to help. Very nice.

The next step is to get the latest code from the GitHub git repo and try it. There are a ton of new features and lots of fixes which hopefully will clear up the last of the problems I'm seeing.