War is Hell

The Second War is getting heated and I'm trying to step out of it as best I can. I don't believe that anyone wins a war - there's only the victor and the vanquished, and neither really wins. One has to continue the opression or be faced with an uprising and the other must continue the fight or else loose everything. The shooting may stop, but the hostilities don't.

Of late, the battles drawn have been both overt and subtle. I've been trying to keep things professional, but it seems that the other combatants are not as interested in taking that same tac. Unfortunate. I have tried to not get too ugly, but being passionate about the outcome places a burden on me to do my level best to ensure success. This means fighting with like-minded tools and techniques. So if they sling mud, I'm picking up mud.

Until yesterday afternoon.

I've decided that there's more hard done to my cause by acting like them than acting like I want to act, and setting myself up as an "easy target". The simple fact is that I am up-front and fairly transparent, so I am an easy target for those looking at taking shots at me. But that says a lot about both of us. And I'm happy about what it says - about both of us.

So, when my impulses rise up to strike back at slanderous and inflammatory remarks, I'm going to do my best to remain calm and professional. I hope that simple fact will help draw a distinction between the people and their plans. I could be hopelessly romantic about this and get blind-sided, but then that says a lot about the management. If they play that way, then it's best I find it out sooner than later.

Even if I'm a silly fool and get blown out of the water, I'm going to try to act like the person that I want my kids to grow up to be. If we all can't act that way, then how can we possibly expect our kids to be any