A Plethora of Rock Stars – Save Me!


Everyone wants to think that their work is really special. That theirs is the work that's really clever, or complete, or accurate. I'm sure it all stems from everyone wanting to think that they are special. But we all know that's not really the case. Oh sure... we're all unique individuals, and we all have our assets and weaknesses, but it seems that in the last few years I'm running into more and more folks that just believe - without question, it seems, that they are indeed The One.

It's the Rock Star mentality that seems we're getting more and more inundated with lately. Maybe it's TV and everyone thinking "Hey, if they put that on TV - I can be a TV star!" Who knows, but it's really something I could do without.

Today I've been dealing with some folks on an issue at The Shop, and it's just amazing the attitude I'm seeing. I was asked to deliver a product, I did. They were asked to use it, and they come back with all these measurements of the difference in their version and mine. Yup, there are differences - by design. But it's so passive-agressive to take all this time and bring up all these differences when what they want to say is "I don't want to use it". Problem there is that it's not their choice.

So we get into this very lame discussion about why theirs is better, but it misses the point that management, for better or worse, has listened to the arguments and made a decision. Personally, I don't care if they use my stuff or not. But management cares. Why they are arguing with me (in the passive-agressive way), I do not know. They seem to think I'll back off and go away.

Again... I don't care. Use it or not, it's up to you. But if management asks why you haven't, don't be surprised if they don't like your answer.

I'm floored by these types of people. It's like they believe it's their decision to make. Amazing. Not their company, but it's their decision. Wow.