Starting to Learn Erlang – Get it Installed on Mac OS X


Well... I'm off on a new path - learning erlang. I have to admit I'm very interested. It's got everything I don't have in C++ - functional programming, easy threading, concurrency without hassles... it certainly looks to be a growth experience. I'm looking forward to it.

I need to learn this for a project here at The Shop, and it's good to be working with a good erlang developer to help me figure things out.

The first thing was to get it installed on my MacBook Pro. There's a site that makes it pretty easy, as if it isn't already pretty easy:

  cd otp_src_R14B01
  ./configure --enable-hipe
  sudo make install

but there is one interesting limitation at this point: you can build it 64-bit on Darwin, but then you can't use the wxWindows graphics. I chose to use the graphics and stay 32-bit. Seems like a decent trade-off for now. Hopefully they will get this fixed in a future release, but then again, who knows.