The Birth of a New Application

OK, maybe birth is more than this warrants, but I've been working on the local price injector for a new application and I've finally today gotten it to the point that it's talking to me (via chat)... that it's getting prices from the price feed, checking to see if they need to be sent along the way, and cycling through all it needs to do.

The backups are looking good... heck, I've even managed to have nice sub-second times for the log messages. It's getting close. It's to the point that the major issues remaining are the eternal questions: Where are we getting the symbol set? and the maintenance issues like: Are we going to need web access to this data?... that kind of stuff.

When we get the group together next week it'll be easy to hammer out these issues and then fold this into the code base. But it's a great feeling to get past the first phase of development and see a 'heartbeat' from the app. Sweet.