I Love Christmas Music

Christmas Tree

The first work day after Thanksgiving is always a great day for me. This year I was a day late, but I got there... it's Christmas Music Time! Yup, that's when I pull out the Christmas music playlist on my iPhone and get to listening to some of the greatest music of the whole year. It's also the time of year when we all are a little nicer, a little kinder, and everyone tries to put on their best face. It's a great time of year.

I remember being in a choir room of a rather big church in Indianapolis when I was in high school, and there was a picture on the wall with a quote:

For the common things of everyday,
God gave man speech in a common way.

For higher things men think and feel,
God gave man poets, their words to reveal.

But for heights and depths no words can reach,
God gave man music, the soul’s own speech. - Anonymous

Every time I read it I tear up. It's perfect.