Gist and Excessive ZeroMQ Message Receipts


I'm trying to narrow down my problem with the excessive messages I've receiving in my ZeroMQ receiver based on the messages I know I'm transmitting. Basically, the difference is about a factor of ten. It's bad.

So I made a very simple ZeroMQ-only receiver application with everything set up the same to give to the same results and tested it. Yup, same problem. Now, how to share it to the mailing list?


I remembered that you can throw up code samples, etc. up there and then share them. So I pulled it up on my work box, sent up the app, and then saved it as a public gist. Bingo! I have a super simple URL to post on the mailing list and they'll be able to see what I'm trying to do.

I sure hope someone has some ideas.

UPDATE: I've been able to see that the transmitter is using just two of the 27 URLs and when I limit the receiver to those two URLs, the numbers match. It's as if the broadcasting is duplicating on all 27 of the channels and the receiver is picking them all up. I've sent something else to the mailing list and we'll have to wait and see.

[10/20] UPDATE: On the mailing list, I got a response from Steve-o that indicates that I really need to be using unique ports as well as unique addresses. The switch will filter on the address, and the OS on the port, but the listening on the port is by the port number, and it appears that the suggested use from Tibco is to have unique ports. This matches with the exchange multicast channel mappings, and I can do that.

When I put that into my receiver and re-ran the tests, the results were rock-solid and accurate. Martin still thinks there's a better way to allow for this in ZeroMQ, and I'm all for that, but until then, I'm very happy with the unique ports as it seems to make the OS/NIC as happy as the switch is with the unique addresses.
