Excessive Message Receipts with ZeroMQ and OpenPGM?


Today's problem is a stumper - aren't they all?

I'm sending about 3000 msgs/sec out of a ZeroMQ transmitter using the OpenPGM encapsulated PGM transport, and on the client side I'm receiving about 50,000 msgs/sec! Where are these messages coming from? I know they are duplicates of the messages I'm receiving as I'm conflating them in my receiver's queue, but still... what process is generating these guys?

I look at the stats for the transmitter and receiver, and I don't believe they are miscounting. I don't believe that it's possible for the same code to under count on the transmitter and over count on the receiver. And it's the same code.

The only speculation I'm left with is that it's in the OpenPGM part of ZeroMQ. Maybe this is how they are handling the "reliable multicast", but if that's the case, then why isn't the client filtering out the duplicates?

I'm going to have to figure this out tomorrow. Time to go listen to a talk on RabbitMQ.