Fantastic Advice for All Developers – Probably Everyone

I found this on a tweet I got this morning and I love this guy's approach to using standards. In fact, I think it can be applied to a far greater range of things than standards. It's probably really good advice for life:

  1. If it hurts when you do it, stop doing it.
  2. Shut up and eat your vegetables.
  3. Assume people have common sense.

Golden Advice, people. Can't get much better than this.

If it hurts, then stop doing it. Figure out a better way. Realize that the pain is telling you something. Don't be a lemming. Find a better solution, a better way. This is the beginning line of virtually every great success story. Just do it.

Shut up and eat your vegetables. Realize there's no free lunch, and you're going to have to do the work. You're going to have to pound the keys. Practice. Effort. That's the only thing that's really going to pay off in the end. Just pipe down and get to it.

Assume people have common sense. If not, don't worry about them - they have far bigger problems than you're going to be able to solve.

Sage advice indeed. Love it.