Banging Away at a New Client Library


Today I spent the entire day banging away hard at a new client library to a data system that another group in The Shop has created. They built a Java client, but I needed to have something in C++, and have it interface nicely to the variant data type that I've already created. Someone working with me started the work on this client, but then was called away on another project because it was having lots of problems in production. So it goes.

So I took the start he had on the client library and took a good, long look at the code to see what needed to be done, and what was really looking really pretty good. As is so often the case, the start he'd gotten was OK, but it wasn't really good enough for the kinds of conditions that I'm used to seeing, and maybe that explains the problems in production a bit as well. So it was a total do-over.

The key points of the service, insofar as the design is impacted, is that there are socket connections, then on a single socket connection, there can be multiple simultaneous calls and subscriptions. The call is a one-time subscription, which returns a single result, whereas the subscription will send updates to the client with every change to the source data that generated the result.

It's a nice model, and the only problem I see with it is that boost asio is set up to have a single buffer of the incoming data, and so it's possible to really have that one buffer, or socket, be a bottleneck. Additionally, if there's a problem in my request, it's possible that the service will not know how to respond, and it's only solution is to kill the socket. That's a bit drastic, but I can understand why - the service doesn't know how to respond to me, so it's only solution is to tell me "that's VERY bad" by killing the socket.

With that, all my pending calls and subscriptions are dead, and so it's possible for one bad apple to spoil the whole bunch. Not my idea of a great way to go.

So what I ended up with as a first cut on this is to have an "updater" object that has a socket and all the supporting data with it. Then, a single call is a single socket, a single buffer, and a target variant. This means that as data comes in, boost's asio can handle as many of these as necessary. Much cleaner, but there's a cost - multiple open sockets, and starting one up isn't fast.

Still... it is a good start, and I spent today building that. At the end of the day, I had something that was working, but needed to be cleaned up a little bit. Still... stayed late to get that going, and was very happy to see all the bytes line up and get back solid responses.