How Best to Describe The Magic Schoolbus? Convoluted… Inconsistent

The Magic School Bus

I've been struggling to come up with a way to describe the codebase of The Magic Schoolbus - and it's not all that easy for me. The code has good parts - the guys who wrote it are not without understanding. They have atomic operations from boost, and in places, it's clear that they have been trying to get this codebase up to a very respectable level, and in some places, they have done a good job.

But the real problem is that they haven't been consistent. It's a single codebase with multiple projects - many of which are no longer used by anyone, and there's no consistency in the code. OK, that's not 100% accurate - there's plenty of copy-n-paste reuse where they have taken whole applications in the codebase - copied them, and then just replaced a few letters in the name to make a new class. It's the worst kind of consistency: to make any changes across the board, you have to change everything in the codebase.

There's precious little in the way of real re-use. There's even precious little in the consistent use of types. In many places they'll use their own unsigned integer types, and in others they'll use those in stdint.h. I'm all for using either as there are distinct advantages to both, but you really need to pick one, and stick to it. No matter what.

That's the thing that really gets to me: the lack of consistency.

In many projects I've been in, I didn't like the way the original developer started writing the code, but for the sake of the project's consistency, I stuck with it. The goal was to have my changes look no different from the original code. If I succeeded, then there's only one style to understand. This is far, far easier to grok.

But in this codebase it's like Rube Goldberg gone amok. There are some sub-projects where the includes are in the source directory, and others where they aren't. Some use custom types, others use system types. Some use header files and implementation files, and some use massive structs in header files with included implementations. There's just no consistency.

And it's all very, very big. Like the 277,000+ line message header file.

So what to do?

If we try to clean it up - to really use a well-designed object model, then we're gutting everything. And I mean everything. If we're going to do that, then we might as well start over and make something that's far better - with a client library in multiple languages, and forget having 100% backward compatibility. We'll do our best to make a transition plan, but it's a new era, with better information, better performance, etc.

If we do that, are they going to be willing to go with me? Hard to say. I think they have serious doubts about if it can be done. In that, I have serious doubts if they can do it. If they have no faith that it can be done, then there's no chance they'll actually be able to pull it off.

We need to have a more consistent codebase. It's essential to monitoring, stability, low maintenance, etc. But to do that I may have to Just Do It, and then hand it off to them. That's not really ideal, but it may be the only option.

It's a tough place to be. But I'm glad that I have a good handle on the code, and can vocalize the issues for those that have asked me to look into this. It's not an easy decision, but it's one that needs to be made.