Looking for Lockless Data Structures for C++


I've been doing a little searching today looking for some lockless data structures for C++ because I'm expecting to have to do quite a bit of coding for the new market data (ticker plants) work that should be coming up pretty soon, and I thought it'd be nice to see if there was something that was going to give me a nice leg up as opposed to sticking with traditional locks.

The problem is that the state of the C++ support for this is pretty limited. In fact, there's going to be support for std::atomic<> for elemental data types and even regular C structures. There's no support for the STL classes, but that's a reasonable limitation. The problem is that this is not really the same as having std::map<> and such as lockless structures, but there's no support in the standard (yet) planned, and even Boost doesn't have anything - yet.

It's kind of depressing, as I expected to see some kind of lockless data structures because the Java Concurrent package has been around for quite a while and I would have just assumed someone would have taken the code for that package and converted it to C++. But I was wrong. Shucks.

No matter, I can still make it work, I was just had hoped to see something a little more...