MarsEdit 3.0 is Out

MarsEdit 3

Well, he finally did it - MarsEdit 3.0 is out with a nice WYSIWYG editor - not that I use that input method, but the HTML syntax highlighting is much improved and that I use. Nice.

The Media Manager is very nice, and it'll make it a lot easier to pick out things to slap in the posts, but it's big, I mean, really big, and I guess that's OK for now, but I'd have liked to see it smaller like the previous version. Oh well... so it goes...

One thing... in the Template Preview, if you reference a file on your machine, like I did:

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="file:///Users/drbob/Sites/CSS/WPdefault.css"
   type="text/css" media="screen" />

then you need to be sure not to use the file:// URL scheme. You have to use the http:// URL in order for it to be read in properly and used:

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://peabody.local/~drbob/CSS/WPdefault.css"
   type="text/css" media="screen" />

I seem to remember this a long time ago, but when I looked at my MarsEdit 2.x template it still had the file:// URL, so I let it go. Now I'll have it here and it'll be harder to forget.

UPDATE: I sent this into Daniel and he said he's looking into it. It's odd that I remember this happening a while back, but I can't find it in any of my posts, and I wonder if I imagined it all. In any case, it worked this morning with 2.4.2 and with 3.0 it has to have the http:// URL. We'll see if he comes back with a fix.