A Very Interesting Take on Ralph


Today, one of the 'Old Guard' of The Shop stopped by to have a chat. He was stirred into action by one of the other developers in The Shop, as I'd told him that I was seriously considering leaving because of all the dysfunction in this place. I guess he felt that would be bad, and told his boss (the Old Guard Guy) to stop by and have a talk with me.

It was a very interesting talk.

It started out with the normal pleasantries, and then slowly moved into the region he wanted to probe: what's up with me. I liked his style. Nice, straight-forward, not smarmy - genuine. It was really nice.

When we got to my issues, I was reasonably articulate about them, especially about how, over this past year, I've tried to help move things towards a better technological footing, and at each and every turn, it's been made clear - sometimes painfully clear, that I was off base, and that I simply didn't understand the issues.

Oh... I understood the message. Loud and clear. Enough said.

Then we got to Ralph, and his take on Ralph was really exceptionally on point as well as funny. Ralph is the Chicken Hawk from Foghorn Leghorn cartoons. Yup... that's Ralph. He's all about action - even if it's not particularly well thought-out. In fact, "thought" is really not in his vocabulary. It's all about action and the appearance of superiority.

Amazingly funny. But sadly true.

I haven't had my last talk with this guy, we're going to talk next week. I have mixed feelings about this... part of me wants to stay and do the work I know I can do... but part of me thinks this place is not really ready for the tough choices that will have to be made to get there.