Finally Out of the Hole – CKFloat



It's been a week.

Pretty much all this week I've been heads-down coding this 'infinite' precision floating point number first in Java and then in C++. There were a lot more issues to deal with than I had expected to run into in this little class - face it, it holds a number, adds, subtracts, multiplies, and divides. That's it! But, boy-o-boy, there's a lot more to just that than it sounds.

I've talked about a few of the issues in the post I made after the Java version was done. But then the conversion was pretty easy for many things, but had quite a few gotchas in the C++ codebase. Little things like clearing memory on creation - thought that was covered, but then I realized No, of course not... and had to fix that. Then there's the locking scheme - mutexes are great, but it's nice that Java allows the same thread to "relock" a section of code without blocking. I'm guessing that I could probably do the same thing on the CKit's mutexes, but it might be a bit dodgey, and so I may just hold off on that idea.

The Java class was 2442 lines, and the C++ was over 3700. Lots of comments, or course, but still... that's a ton of coding for a week. The test apps were another 390+ lines each - so I was plenty tired of typing by the time I got the C++ version ported along with the test app.

I'm glad it's done and all checked in.

As an aside, this all started from a problem a developer came and talked to me about last Friday. Since then, his initial work-around failed for one condition and others put in their $0.02 to say that they didn't think it would be that hard to do. Silly people... If I spent a week on this then it's hard. Impossible? no. But it's a lot harder to get right than most people think. I know it was a lot harder than I thought it would be. I figured a few hours for the Java version and then a few more for the port. I should have thought "days" as opposed to "hours". Glad it's done.