Finishing Up a Few Things and then The Big Move


Today I spent most of the time working on the latest page I put together for my web app - it used the Google Visualization AnnotatedTimeLine to display the at-the-money volatility versus time of a series of expirations for a given product. It allows the risk managers to see the change in underlying price and how it effects all these volatility values.

Interesting, but the big thing today was The Move.

Yes, indeed. The Shop is moving from it's current location to the next building over where some of the folks have already been working for the last few weeks. Today, this weekend actually, is when all the trading floor folks move. The space is big, nice, clear, clean, and new. I've seen it, but I'm not sure how it's going to feel once we all get in there.

I'll get to see how things really feel this weekend as I need to come in on Sunday to set things up and make sure everything survived the move. It'll be an interesting start to the week, that's for sure.