Having a Little Extra Time is Nice

Today I've been finishing up on a lot of little things that I've been putting off because they just aren't that important, but today their time came. I was having a little fun making a few servlets spit out the same data as HTML, CSV, and XML. The first two were easy as I had already done that, but the XML was pretty simple too. The JSON format isn't all that different from a compressed XML format, so the same kind of data was pretty easy to reformat to XML. Nice. Now I'll be able to make that data available to other requesting clients. Nothing amazing, but it needed to be done sooner or later because I had one of those clients waiting in the wings.

I was able to spend some time monitoring my production processes and realized that one of my boxes has the memory configuration messed up. I did a little checking, and updated the start script (catalina.sh) to use the proper maximum memory setting. Tomorrow, it'll start up with the right limit. No idea who changed that, or why, but it was nice to have the time to monitor the apps and see that this was happening before it was a problem.

Plus there's the complete mental health angle... I've been running flat out for a long time, and now that I have a few things in Q/A awaiting certification, I have the time to just rest a bit. It makes a big difference on my outlook.

Not sure I'd like this every day, but it's nice to have a little breathing room now and again.