Visiting the Diamond Headache Clinic with Liza

Today was Liza's first appointment at the Diamond Headache Clinic where, she had been told, If anyone can figure out her migraines, these people can. So with great hope, we went to the clinic. I think it's important to support your spouse when they're going into a new medical environment - even if they say they don't need it. Bull Cookies. Everyone needs support now and then, and this is one of those times.

So we went, and while they had some great ideas, they ruled out the stroke, but pointed out that it would not have show up on the MRI or CAT scan if it was a small one. However, the doctor pointed out that even a small stroke would have produced more profound effects than the droopy eye for a few days, and the loss of taste (sweet and sour) for about six weeks.

So with that checked off, he wanted to break the cycle of pain. So she was set up for an infusion of drugs to do just that. Actually, three infusions - two today and one tomorrow morning.

It took most of the day, and then I had to play ferry captain for the kids, so I didn't get a lot of work done. But hey... I went in, I fixed a few things, and then I had to go. It's the best I could do.