Debugging JavaScript Memory Usage with Google Chrome

I've got some massive web pages - lots of AJAX requests feeding thousands of data points back to the client for inclusion into some Google Visualization widgets - it's as heavy-duty as many visualization apps I've created. But therein lies a problem - memory usage.

One of my users wants to have a dozen of these pages open and hammering away all day long, and while that's nice, it's not a good idea from the resource consumption angle. It would be ideal if there were a JavaScript event that told me when the view was completely hidden. But I've looked for that and there's nothing I can find that is going to tell me when to shut down the updating, or when to start it back up again.

So I need to do some memory profiling of the pages and try to figure out why they are getting out of hand. So I started digging into what Google Chrome had, and was pleased to see that it was really WebKit that had what I needed. Well... close, anyway.

Within Chrome, there are a lot of nice tools to show you what's happening. Not a lot of help when dealing with Google Visualization widgets as their code goes through an 'optimizer' and the objects are then pretty useless for help, but it tells me that the problem is most likely in their stuff and the Strings that are being created in the moving of data back and forth between the server.

None of this is really Rocket Science, but it's nice to have quick access to the tools to be able to see the difference in a few memory dumps, and even a little code profiling. Not bad at all.