Lots and Lots of Little UI Changes


For the last two days I've been hip-deep in a ton of little UI changes and additions to my web app. I can understand the reasons for the changes - it's the fist time they have actually sat down and thought about it for more than 2 seconds. When they did, and started to think about what they really wanted, they had some changes. Unfortunately, it was a lot harder to do this all a week (or more) after the initial creation of the page(s), but I suppose better late than never, eh?

There were things like re-arranging the columns in a table, and because of the nature of the Google Visualization Table, you can't re-arrange the columns in the view - they're fixed. So until they add this feature, I'm stuck putting the data in the right order before it gets to the client. Not horrible, but when it hits several pages, it's just a little time-consuming.

I also had requests for a few new fields. Nothing major, but putting it on four different pages meant a lot of little updates and making sure to try and pull together as much code as possible so that it's not copy-n-paste reuse. It's the easiest way to add the same thing in several places, but it would lead to a mess later on. I'll probably do a bit of work tomorrow to try and coalesce this even more. It's getting to be big.

In the end, I got the changes made and emails sent to clients so they knew the fields were there. Good enough.