Finished the AJAX for the Fusion Page
I spent the latter part of today getting all the AJAX and client (JavaScript) post-processing on the 'Fusion' page with the graph and table I started the other day. Getting the data wasn't bad, but unlike the previous table I created with the collapsing groups, these groups aren't clearly defined. In fact, the groups are contained in the table itself. This allows me to not have to worry about the group definitions, but at the same time, I needed to change everything about the old scheme because I didn't have the group definitions.
It wasn't horrible, but it took a little bit of thinking to get the summations, indentation, sorting, tagging and collapsing all working. A couple of hours of quiet work, which of course, turned out to be an entire afternoon because I don't have quiet, and making it (with my fingers in my ears) doesn't make for easy typing.
Yes... I wish I had quiet. But I don't.
In the end, I've got the code I needed, and it's off the the London users for them to kick around and send me any changes they might have.