Calculating Percentages with SQL

I have been running some tests all morning, and they'll continue throughout the day, but as I'm watching these tests and gathering data, it occurred to me that I wanted to know which of my data injectors was giving me the most data, and by how much. It's not hard to get the counts with SQL:

  SELECT portfolio, COUNT(*) AS hits
    FROM PortfolioData
   WHERE acquired > '2009-12-15'
  GROUP BY portfolio

and I get a table that looks a lot like this:

portfolio hits
Gas_NGUNG 114150
NG MM 111106
Oil MM 91320
S&P 28696
L_NRML 22820
ED MM 21957
Oil Indexes 20268
Rho Hedge 18579
ER_NRML 17974

...and I've truncated the table because the effect I was looking for is clear - there are a few of the portfolios that are contributing the vast majority of the rows to the table. The problem is, I can't see the real percentage each contributes to the total. And while I've shown the top 10, there are really more than 30, so it's not easy to do the percentage calculation in my head.

I googled a bit and came up with a really simple solution: include the subquery as the divisor in the select statement:

  SELECT portfolio, COUNT(*) AS hits,
         COUNT(*)*100.0/(SELECT COUNT(*)
                           FROM PortfolioData
                          WHERE acquired > '2009-12-15') AS percentage
    FROM PortfolioData
   WHERE acquired > '2009-12-15'
  GROUP BY portfolio

and to this I get what I was looking for:

portfolio hits percentage
Gas_NGUNG 114150 15.07
NG MM 111106 14.67
OIL_CLUSO 95886 12.66
Oil MM 91320 12.06
S&P 28696 3.79
L_NRML 22820 3.01
ED MM 21957 2.89
Oil Indexes 20268 2.67
Rho Hedge 18579 2.45
ER_NRML 17974 2.37

With this, I can now see that my top 4 (out of more than 30) contribute more than 54% of the rows in the table. That's significant, and it's nice to know. If I throttle back these four, I have a great deal of control over the total number of rows inserted in a day.
