VLC 1.0.3 and HandBrake 0.9.4 Issues

When HandBrake 0.9.4 was announced, I immediately downloaded the new 64-bit version for Snow Leopard, and was excited about the possibilities. It's great to see the move to 64-bits, even though I know it's going to take a long time to get the vast majority of the apps there, it's great to see some open source headliners get there sooner than later.

But I hadn't tried to use HandBrake to rip a DVD since the upgrade. Just no need.

Then I read this off Daring Fireball this morning. Very interesting. I have to wonder how on earth the HandBrake guys built the 64-bit version if they didn't have a 64-bit VLC, and if they didn't have it, what did they use?

I have the FairMount (32-bit) installed, and can use that in the interim while VLC gets around to creating a 64-bit binary. Alternatively, I could just go back to a 32-bit HandBrake, and then move to 64-bit when VLC is there, but that isn't necessary with the FairMount work-around.

I just never imagined that they'd ship something that can't work. Very odd. If it turns out that the work-around takes too much time, then I'll fall back to a 32-bit HandBrake. But if I'm lucky, the 64-bit VLC will be out before I need to rip another DVD.