Fantastic Quote On the Passion of Creation

I was reading Daring Fireball this morning and the following was a posting that hit me the second I read it. It's an interview with Cormac McCarthy:

WSJ: How does that ticking clock affect your work? Does it make you want to write more shorter pieces, or to cap things with a large, all-encompassing work?

CM: I’m not interested in writing short stories. Anything that doesn’t take years of your life and drive you to suicide hardly seems worth doing.

I love the passion expressed in that one line. Create something so utterly fantastic that it demands of you years of life or nearly every shred of your sanity. If you're doing less, then you could be doing more. And if you can do more, then you should do more.

I can't find who said it first, but this Life is not practice for anything. Do, and be, and follow your passion. And if you have none, see if you can find someone to infuse you with some. You'll be happier for it.