GKrellM and perfmeter

For the production, and development for that matter, machines that I use, I like to run gkrellm - a GTK+ based monitoring app. It's nice and informative and it's got a very small footprint compared to, say, top. I was looking for a version for Solaris 8, but realized that there was already something on Solaris that's almost exactly what I wanted - perfmeter.

OK, perfmeter doesn't do all the skins, and it's not got the extensive list of modules for monitoring email, temperature, etc. But that's not what I use it for anyway. I'm primarily interested in CPU and memory usage, and while perfmeter isn't really great at the last of these, it is decent with swap and context monitoring. And it's on every Solaris box. Nice.

Just goes to show - there's no reason for new tools if you've got what you need. Go with it and get on with solving the real problems of the day.