When it’s Not the Thought that Counts

Well... as an interesting follow-up to the Victimization by the Majority I was talking to a few folks, including my boss, about this today. What I came away with was that the way I work - with high expectations for myself, and lesser, though still better-than-average expectations of those around me, was the real issue. It wasn't that I'm a mean person. I don't try to make people feel bad, but by being as intense, and demanding of myself, I create a 'gulf' between what others want to provide and what I think they should.

Most importantly, to me, is the fact that the reason that I expect a lot from myself is that this industry pays exceptionally well. And if a developer is getting six-figures, when their same skills in any other similar industry would be worth 30-50% less, then I think they should realize that the premium they are getting paid is not because of the generosity of the employer, it's because they expect more - and that more is effort.

There are literally hundreds of developers in this market that can do this job. It's not rocket science, after all. The premium we are getting paid is because we are expected to respond at all hours, go the 'extra mile' when needed, and we are expected to make fewer mistakes, write better code, faster, and with more of an eye for the future. They aren't paying more just because they want to... they are really expecting more. I agree with their assessment, and am surprised when I've talked to new developers coming into the shop surprised and slightly offended by the mere idea that they should be available any time of day. What did they think they were getting more money for? Their good looks? Please.

So some times, it's not the thought that counts. It's just the actions. My actions are off-putting and aggressive to many and they don't like it. So be it. There are as many that have come up to me in recent days and said that what I'm doing is the right thing and the others need to grow up and realize that they are in a business, and that business is in the business of making money, and for better or worse, I help them make more money than the whiners. So I guess I'm just going to have to try harder to keep my mouth shut, my opinions to myself, and ask people "Are you really sure you want to know what I think?" before answering their questions. If they say "Yes", then I at least gave them an out, and they can't say I didn't warn them.