Acorn 2.0.1 is Out

Well, that didn't take long - already Acorn 2.0.1 has shipped with a non-trivial list of fixes and features:

  • Now showing a message when Acorn can't open up an unsupported RAW file, instead of a blank black canvas.
  • "New Image From iSight" now puts a name on the layer created in the new image.
  • Option-clicking the visibility button in the layers list, will hide all the layers except the one you clicked on. Option-clicking it again will restore the previous visibility settings.
  • No longer collecting crash reports that are older than 2 weeks old.
  • Bug fix for images that are sometimes flipping when calling a filter.
  • Holding down option and command when using the arrow keys to nudge a selection now commits the selection before moving it. Hold down the shift key to move by 10 px instead of 1.

and while I've been really busy with this app extension and haven't had a chance to work with Acorn much, it's nice to see Gus putting in the work to make it even better. Very nice.