Acorn 2.0 is Out and Snow Leopard Only


Today the Flying Meat crew released Acorn 2.0 for Snow Leopard (10.6). Once again, it's very interesting that Acorn is 10.6-only, and that it's a 64-bit app with impressive speed improvements due to the 64-bit build:

Acorn 2 is 64 bit.

And yes, there are performance improvements with it. Running the Gaussian Blur filter is now 15% faster in 64 bit. Opening JPEG files is 20% faster than 32 bit (measured by scripting operations via JSTalk of course). Is Acorn the first 64 bit image editor for the Mac?

I got it, and the upgrade cost is only $20 from Acorn 1.x, which is very reasonable, considering. I really do love the quality in the indie Mac developer community.