VoodooPad 4.2.2 is Out with More Bug Fixes

Gus at FlyingMeat is really working on VoodooPad these days, and has released version 4.2.2 with a pretty simple set of release notes:

VoodooPad 4.2.2 September 11th, 2009

  • Fixed a problem where the web server wasn't working properly in VoodooPad.
  • Fixed a bug where pages would remain listed in the tags list, even after they were deleted.
  • When you search for something in VP, it now puts the search term on the search pasteboard, so cmd-g works to "find again" in your search results.
  • When doing a Web Export via AppleScript, VoodooPad now closes the export window after it's finished writing all files.

It's great to see software being worked on, and I'm sure a good bit of it is related to Snow Leopard, as it's always fun to work with new features in the OS and tools.