Major Retooling for MarketMash

Well... today was the first day of the real re-tooling of the server for 24hr operation. Up till now, it's been restarted each evening, but with the needs of the Hong Kong group coming so close on the heels of the end of the Chicago trading day, it was time to look at a more continuous Server. The first thing I needed to do was to extend the protocol between the server and it's clients to allow for something other than the 'instrument update' notification. I had to add in the capability for the server to send a 'remove instrument' notification when a new underlying is reloaded and the list of derivatives do not match those that used to be on the underlying, and so there's an instrument that has been removed from the server and needs to be removed from the clients as well.

This will happen when we have an expiration, or a split processing, where the strikes or expirations have changed and therefore the options will have changed. Right now, the server clients don't have any mechanism to remove instruments - the users have to zero out positions in the server, and then place new positions in the server. It's a hack, but born out of necessity. Today we got the instrument removal on a reload working so that the splits processing will be much easier and setting the stage for the nightly regional roll-overs where instruments will be dropped as a natural course of the week.

I also spent a little time updating the project web page to put in the overview of all the tasks I have planned out for the remainder of the project. It's a lot of little things, but thankfully, nothing seems to be too difficult that can't be solved in a day or two. Oh, it'll still take a month or so to get all this done and tested, but that's plenty of time before the DST switch this fall.