Fighting to Get Out of a Slump

It's been a hard week, and I'm finding it more and more difficult to focus and get motivated to get work done. It's a slump, I know it. It happens every so often when I'm not really having a fun project to work on and the hours are getting long and there's no real outlet in the evenings and weekends. It's a slump.

I know that time will take care of this, it always has in the past. The only real question is How long? Clearly, I'm hoping for "not too bloody long", but there's no way to tell. It could be something as simple as an update to some program that's got something I really have needed for a while... or maybe it's Snow Leopard... or maybe it'll be a few days off at home.

Something will start the ball rolling and then it'll build on itself just like the slump did, and in the end, I'll be back on top where the sun is shining. Just wish it'd hurry up and get here.