Mercurial versus Git – For Now, I’ll Stick with Git


I was doing a little reading this morning and I came across another developer that was talking about how nice Mercurial was. He was mentioning a nice book he'd read on the subject and how much he liked the book. So I decided to take a little time this morning and give it a quick once over. Compare what I knew of Git to Mercurial and see how they stack up for my needs.

First, it's clear that each has a strong following. The linux kernel is in Git, and Google has adopted Mercurial. Both are strong statements to be considered. Certainly, if you're going to work on a project and it's in Subversion, or Git or Mercurial, then you have to do as the Romans do. But if you have a choice, and specifically, if I have a choice, what would I pick?

So what do I need? Well, I work on a laptop a lot of the time. Frankly, most of the time. I want something that's going to be significantly better than CVS - and I know CVS pretty darn well. Thankfully, both Git and Mercurial are winners here. There are Mac OS X GUI clients, and command line clients as well. Check.

Xcode support is important, but with the changes in Xcode to use ASCII files as opposed to binary files for nibs, I don't have to worry too much about this. Also, they have removed the 'bundle' concept for most things in Xcode, so I don't have to worry about directories appearing and disappearing on me. To be fair, Apple did all this work on it's own. That the SCM of choice doesn't have to worry about it is nice, but not leaning one way or the other.

I'll grant you that Mercurial is more like CVS, in that it's file-based and simple to understand. There's even a built-in web server to make it easy to act as a server for remote users to 'pull' a repository. Not bad. But Git has Gitosis, and now that I have it running, it's a server that I don't have to think about. It just runs. Period.

I could try to get Mercurial up on my Mac at home where I have CVS and Gitosis, but then I need to get Python 2.5 on that box, and it's an old Mac - suitable for the serving of these files, but it's not got the up to date Python that Leopard has. So that would be a pain. Not impossible, but a pain.

I guess it comes down to inertia.

I have Git, I have GitX, and they work. I have CVS for the old stuff, and it's never going away. Never. In the end, I might do some Mercurial work, but I'm guessing that it's even money that I'll stick with Git. It's just as nice and I have it all set up.