Hammering Away Until the Rock Breaks


If someone asked me what I felt was the most important thing to have to be a successful developer, I'd say it was determination. I was beating my head against these production configuration problems today and when I finally got them figured out, a new problem of a JavaScript menu bar popped up to bang at until I got it working.

In the end, the JavaScript menu bar I was looking at didn't really work as nicely as I'd have hoped. It worked, but the style was just too different from what we'd been using. So I re-organized the menus and that gave me the room I needed to make the page render nicely.

I'm pooped. There's not doubt about it. But as with all the other things I've been tackling lately, it's about not giving up. Working and working at it from different angles, from different ideas, to come up with some little crack that you can exploit to get the system to do what you want. It's just plain effort.