I Swear Horrible Unit Tests Slay Me


I've been spending all day trying to get the unit tests for this inherited application working, and I'm closer to being done, but I'm not done. It's like the rock Prometheus has to roll up the hill, only to see it slide back down. If I want to add in new features to the codebase, then I have to face these tests, and it takes me far longer to update the tests than it does to test the code, or write it in the first place.

I know there are paradigms that say "Write the Tests First", but I can't actually imagine doing that unless you're writing small, easily testable, modules. This integration testing is not for unit tests, and I keep harping on it, as I'm continually forced to deal with them.

In order to make things work today, I had to create "Mock" services that just fed in the test data. It's again making no real progress in the testing code, we don't know that the database interface is working, and while we can run those tests, it's not doing the kind of integration testing that is going to make me feel any better.

So it's slugging it out all day with these things. I really do get very tired of it.