iPod Touch OS 3.0 is Out at the iTunes Store


Well... I'm not sure I'm going to see a ton of improvement in my iPod Touch, but it's an upgrade, and there's that little chance that I'm going to wish I had that one feature when I don't have access to the 'net - so for $9.95 I upgraded to OS 3.0 this morning.

If I end up getting the iPhone 3GS, then I'll probably give this guy to Liza or the kids, but if I don't, or it takes a while to get one, then I'd like to have it up to date for a while. So I got it.

I have to say that Apple makes it easy to upgrade these guys after the initial horrible sync/backup times of the original device. Yikes! I remember that. But no longer. It's nice and clean. Good job.