Lots of Cleanup and Planning Today


Today has been a lot of clean-up and planning for the future today. I am at a brief pause in the development cycle, waiting for the Q/A Team to certify an application of mine so that I can then put it in production and reap the benefits of the fixes and features. While I was waiting for this, and helping them out when needed, I wanted to run through all my emails and make sure that I didn't have anything outstanding that needed to be done.

Turns out that I did - imagine that.

I needed to pull two pages into one by adding a single checkbox and a simple if-then construct to pick the right URL for the request. This would allow us to choose whether to hit the in-memory database of my app, or hit the back-end database. There are a few new webapps on the server, and this addition was really needed in order to be able to maintain the app under adverse conditions. Just makes sense to consolidate these into one.

There were a few other things I needed to do as well... nothing major, just cleaning up emails, sending out status emails, checking up on folks - organizational maintenance stuff. Got all that cleared out.

Then I spent a little bit of time planning for the next new feature for the app in Q/A. I needed to make sure I could see where to update for the new information, how to make sure it'd work regardless of the conditions. In short, it's not too hard. I'll be able to add in the data to the base elements, then the existing code will automatically aggregate across it, but the new code will be able to filter on it and come up with the exact data we need.

Pretty nice.

I did need to do a bit of explaining to the original author as he came up with a pretty decent idea that will make it easier to be sure that the old test cases and code will work with the new data. It was a little strained after I agreed with his idea and he still wanted to understand what it was that I proposed. We probably went around this a few times before he got it, and that's OK - just a little miscommunication.

In the end, it was a very productive day and lots of stuff got done. It just wasn't Wow! work, but necessary nonetheless.