Moved my Work Notes to VoodooPad


In my previous job I had a TextEdit document that had all kinds of notes in it about the place, the applications, what to do when, how to do things, etc. It was a "How to" of all the things I had to do and needed to remember in the job. I also had a nice blog about all the things I did during the day, and the combination of these two made a really nice package to pass on to the people that remained. They didn't appreciate it, of course, but it was my choice not theirs.

This morning I was looking at the file I was creating after three months of being here, and decided that I didn't want to leave it in TextEdit as there wasn't anything special about that. No real linking, no multiple pages, etc. VoodooPad was the answer, and since I didn't have that much to move, it was pretty quick.

Even better that the formatting and styles followed the cut-n-paste, so it took me all of 5 minutes to make the index page and then make the page for the one page I had some information typed up for. Pretty simple.

Work Notes in VoodooPad

Now when I fire up VoodooPad Pro on my laptop I'll get the basic Kitchen Sink doc of mine as well as the document for work. Nice. Should make it a lot simpler. Sweet.