Cutting Over from Git to Subversion


Well... today I decided it wasn't worth it to keep working in Git when it's not really supported in the Shop. The approved version control is Subversion, and that's not really horrible, but it's not as nice as Git or CVS. The requirement that you have to change directories to change to a branch is silly. I understand why they did it, but it was a bit of a cop-out. At the same time, subversion holds the 'ignore' files in metadata, they could have held the branch/tag info.

Anyway... without support I decided to move. The problem is, there are no real tools to move from Git to Subversion. What I ended up doing was to create a new project in Subversion and then import the latest copy of the files. I lost the entire history to date on the two projects. It was a little disappointing, but in the end, we have something that I can easily share with other developers.

I feel a bit sad for not being able to use Git, but in the end, the realities of the work environment dictated that it had to be done.