Hulu Desktop 0.9.1 is Amazing


OK, I'm a TV nut. Well... I used to be. Now I'm an ex-TV nut, and still I like to watch the shows I want to see. Things like House, M.D.. This morning I heard about a new Hulu Desktop application (beta 0.9.1) for Mac OS X, and I have to say it's amazing.

This is exactly what I've wanted to see from one of these online video archive sites. Sure, it's got commercials, and from what I've seen, many are the exact same commercial over and over during the same show. But even this isn't bad. I can deal with that. It's the experience that matters.

Now I'm looking at the nicest desktop app for video I've seen in ages. It's clean, smooth, clear, and beats my Comcast DVR hands-down for viewing video. I'm almost ready to go get a Mac mini and hook it into my TV just so I can run this app and see the TV I want to see, when I want to see it.

DVR is still dicey. This is the best of FOX, ABC and Disney all online with a lot of older shows (Hill Street Blues, St. Elsewhere, etc.) that I watched back in grad school and loved. It's simply incredible. Well worth the time and effort.

Also, I don't really like the web-browser-based viewers. I code, and I have my browsers set up for what I want them to look like. These sites all want you to reformat that to fit the TV show. No longer. I can fire up the Hulu Desktop app and it's stand-alone. Sure, it's probably just a web-browser underneath, but that's OK. It's standalone. That's nice.

If you like TV, get it.