Public Builds of a Working Google Chrome for Mac OS X


The folks on the Google Chrome team have a nice download site for the shapshot builds of Chrome for Mac OS X and linux. I can imagine that the linux port will be a tough GUI as the platform isn't really about a consistent user interface, but the Mac OS X port is coming along nicely.

I'm sure it's not even at the alpha stage in the group's mind, but it's up and serving pages. Sure, that's about 10 mins. with Xcode, but the fact is they have the similar GUI to the windows version and it's working. They are making progress and that's nice to see.

In the end, I'm not sure whether Chrome or Safari is going to be the best browser on the Mac. It's nice to have a choice like that, however.

UPDATE: Ah... it's Chromium that has the builds - not Google Chrome. The former is the basis of the latter, but the two are different. Still... you need to have the one to have the other, so progress is still a good thing.

[6/5] UPDATE: Well, that didn't take long. It seems that there is a Google Chrome for Mac OS X out now. Very early release, but it's there and they are working on it. So they only lagged the Chromium release by a few days. Nice to see they are working on it.