Starting to Work with 29West – Interesting


Today I've spent a lot of time adding a new way of getting data into my web app. The Shop has standardized on 29West, and I've seen it in a lot of the smaller shops, but there's got to be something more to it... cost... performance... something because Tibco is the 800lb Gorilla, but not used in a lot of the shops around town. I'm guessing it's cost. 29West may be a lot more reasonable. In any case, it's different from the majority of messaging systems I've used in the past in that there's no central messaging server. You don't connect to a server and then get a topic. Instead, you simply connect into the system and then find your topic.

It's interesting.

It's using some multicast/broadcast system to talk to the other 29West clients on the network. You connect in a machine-to-machine scheme - publisher to subscriber. It's going to be more efficient with network switches as there's no single point that all messages have to go through. Makes sense. Looks a little like magic to simply "find" the publisher, but that's good coding for you.

If there's a downside, it's in the way you have to set up the communications. It's pretty nasty. You have to create a context attributes and then populate that with configuration values, and then from there you make a context, and then a context thread to handle the socket maintenance so you don't have to do it yourself, and then you find your topic for this context, and then either a source (publisher) or receiver (subscriber) for this topic and context.

It's all needed for maximum flexibility, but really... if you're going to make it look like magic, then why not just do the context, have it take a simple map of attributes - or nothing if the defaults will do, and have it fire up a thread. Then it's find the topic and you're off to the races.

You shouldn't need to make a source or receiver... those should be done in the context, or topic. Send and receive... can't get a lot simpler than that.

I was talking to one of the 29West guys here in the Shop, and it became much clearer to me as to why it was this way: 29West is C libraries and every one of their APIs are just shells onto these C libraries. In that case, it makes sense to have a not-very-object-oriented view of things. Reasonable, and you only need to code it up one.

I haven't had a lot of experience with the performance of it, but I'm guessing I will in the coming months. For now, I'm glad I have test sources and test receivers to make sure I can move messages around - box to box, window to linux, all that. Tomorrow I'm going to have to deal with a few nagging things about the impact on Tomcat, and see if I can't get data from the guy sending it to me to me.