Coming Back from Vacation


I'm not a very good traveler. I get motion sick, I don't like the seats in commercial airliners as they are a touch too small for my 6'4" frame, and I don't like all the crowds at airports, etc. But I like vacations. I also like coming home. This vacation was a doozie in that we got to snuba with sting rays and also got to zip line hundreds of feet up in the canopy of the Jamaican hillside.

I loved the former, and was simply too scared to even scream on the latter. But Liza had a tough time with the rays and loved the zip lining. Seems fair. Symmetric. And the rest of the cruise was pretty nice. I think we realized that we're not really cruise people. We aren't really fond of the crowds. I ran every morning - save the last, as we had to disembark at 9:30 am and that meant getting everybody up and out early. But still, it was something that I'm glad we did. Something we needed to do so we'd know we don't need to do it again.

I'm not sure what out ideal vacation is, but the trip to Mexico was a lot closer than this cruise. Not that it was the cruise line's fault. I think they did exactly what they said they'd do, it's just a little matter of expectations. Ours were pretty high, and the reality was that it's really targeted for people that like being around big groups of people. The pools were crowded except for very early in the morning and very late in the evening. The breakfasts were a bit on the crowded-side, but really, it was all probably a matter of getting used to the way it's done on cruises.

It was fun to be on vacation... but it's great to be on the way home.