Getting a Few More WordPress Themes


This morning, between questions, I was scanning the WordPress site for a few themes that I might try out when I open this weblog back up for public consumption. I'm looking for a white background, two-column, simple layout. I'm really not into the flash and color of a lot of the blogs out there - it's just a place for me to put my thoughts and notes, as well as code samples, etc. Just plain stuff.

I do like the WordPress theme system, and there are a bunch of good themes out there on the WordPress site. It's just an issue of looking through the ones you're interested in and picking out the winners. Today I picked up a few (four) and we'll see what they do for me when I turn the blog back on. I'm hoping for a nice image boost from the default WordPress theme, but it has served me well for all this time. Can't really complain.

Well... I have four more days and then it's freedom. It's going to feel good to be looking forward to the new job.