The Distribution of My Work – It’s Done


Well... another milestone: management has divided out my projects to pairs of people - ten groups in all. Amazing. Twenty people. Wow. I know there's no need for the doubling up, but it's the enterprise thing to do, and it's what the management team seems to be going for. Good for them. Wonderful.

These days I'm answering a few questions... distributing a bit of the hardware that's in my cube to the people that are taking over the projects. Answering a few detailed questions about how to build and run the app. It's stuff that I've covered in the de-briefing talks, but I understand that they weren't really listening because they hadn't gotten their assignments until all the talks were done.

I find myself wishing for the day to be over. For next week to be over. When I was struggling with this place, and I was convinced that I was going to be here for a long time, things were bad. And I tried very hard to make the best of them. But now that I'm a lame duck developer, I find I'm getting even less respect, and that makes it even harder.

After all, I didn't have to give two weeks notice. I didn't have to give 9 months notice in the sense that I wasn't happy and looking. They waited until the last minute, and then when they know I'm a short-timer, they treat me even more dreadfully than before. I find myself wishing they'd just ask me to leave. That would be nice.

It's sad, it really is, because unlike those times that you've heard a person burning their bridges with an employer by not giving sufficient notice or not documenting things, or being a jerk, etc. This time it's the Company that is doing this to the person - that would be me. I feel sad because of this. I have worked here for over seven and a half years, and the best I can muster in leaving is this?

What it's crystalized is the knowledge in my head that this was the right move, and it's better to be taking it now than waiting another year... or even another week. It's time to go.