Updates and CallBacks

This morning I looked into two updates for some Open Source tools I use all the time - bidwatcher and GAIM. Now, previously I had said that I didn't like the stream of bugs in GAIM updates, but as long as I checked to see if the fixes I'd submitted are in, then I think it's a reasonable thing to try and compile it to see how it goes. Thankfully, it went well, and other than the problem of AOL blocking out the Oscar protocol from AIM-clones, it's fine.

I also tried to upgrade to bidwatcher 1.2.1 but the gzipped tar file on the site was improperly made and couldn't be gunzipped. Thankfully, the 1.2.0 file could be and I downloaded it and built it. What I saw was a very mixed bag, and as a result I'm staying with my modified version.

The designers decided to update the code to make the right-clicking on the auctions easier, but then they added two status bars at the bottom of the window. Now I don't claim to be a UI expert, but that's almost by definition excessive. They have one for error messages and the other for bid status updates. Now if you have an error, then the bid status has got to be bad, and if you don't then you have no need to display an error, and the status is seen. Therefore, there's only reason to have one. One - that's all.

So I sent off a few messages to the bidwater forums and we'll see what happens. I think I'll patch the code to have a single status bar just because I can't imagine what on earth they must have been thinking of. The best solution is to use the status bar at the top of the window for all needs and leave it at that. Maybe that's what I'll put in and see how it flies.

I also need to make some calls about the interviews and call about the new 2kVA UPS for the office. Not a lot, but enough to keep me off the streets as they say...

UPDATE: I fixed the 1.2.0 version of bidwatcher to use a single status line - the one that already existed in the older version, but also allowed the new users to have their dual-status bar UI. I've emailed the maintainers to see if they're interested in the optional improvements. We'll see if they come back interested.

I called about the interviews and told the headhunters how it went. I also found out that one of the places I was really interested in was getting back in touch with them. It might be really nice to hear from a few of these places this week. Good.

Finally, I called about the UPS and it should be here tomorrow - they say. What I'm hoping for is to be able to switch out one of my 900VA for this new 2kVA and put barney and one of tux's supplies on it. I figure that's about 1000W which should give me about 23 min of support on the 2kVA. At 115 lbs. this is a serious UPS which is very much in need in this office. Anyway... then I'll take the 900VA and put it on wally the NeXTSTEP machine and get rid of that awful TrippLite that I never should have gotten in the first place.