Some little stuff…

Today has been pretty uneventful. Late yesterday I had to re-arrange my 2kVA UPS as it was interferring with my SGI's monitor - a little wobble in the lower-right-hand corner of the display. Annoying, so I had to un-stack the units. Also, the stacked units were covering the CD-ROM drawer on tux so I needed to un-stack them regardless. At least now the distortion is acceptable, but I've got a lot of stuff in this office, and it's hard to keep the interference down.

I've run pupdate on sparky which updates my Solaris 7 installation with all the current patches from Sun. It's normally a real pain to do this by hand, but this script I wrote makes it a lot easier. It seems they keep cranking out patches or updates to existing patches on a regular basis and I need to keep checking to stay up to date.

I have received word from RedHat that there are a few packages that need updating and yet my traditional mirror doesn't have them yet. I've seen some of them on RedHat's ftp site, but I have always had problems getting things from RedHat's site simply because it's so busy. The files are there, and they'll make their way to the mirrors in a day or so, I just have to be patient.

Things are going well besides all this... it's quiet, but that's good too. I heard from another headhunter who saw my resume on a web site and wanted to present me to another company. I said "Sure", and we'll see if anything comes of it. No other word from the other places that I've been talking to. Tomorrow is my last official day at BankOne - after that I'm on the package which is both good and bad. Lots of emotions tied up into this place... of late, most of them are bad.

Well... Joesph's home from school, so that's good. I'll go play up there for a while and take the phone with me in case anyone calls. It's been a slow day for Science... wish I had Dexter's fountain of ideas to work from - that little guy's got a lot of spunk.

Late today I got a message from the project lead for bidwatcher asking me if I could go through the CVS files for bidwatcher and make sure everything is there. I jumped at the idea and made the changes and sent back a diff file for the latest changes. It's nice to be able to help out in projects like this. I really like doing it. Well... it looks like my changes will make it into the next release of bidwatcher. Yippee!