Fission 1.6.2 is Out


Today the Rogue Amoeba team released Fission 1.6.2 with a few important bugs fixed and a few other updates. I have recently started playing with Fission a lot more as I've been going through the sound clips I recorded of Joseph when he was little. I appreciate that Fission is a lossless editor - by design, but I'd really like to have a tool that can reduce/remove hum and popping from sample.

A plugin interface with some decent way to access the data would work - I could write a quick FFT (or use FFTW) and then apply some of the simple filters I learned back in college. It's not rocket science, and it might even be possible with a really selective equalizer that I could base on a spectrum plot of the sample. That would be a neat addition too, come to think of it.

Anyway, it's out, and a free update.

UPDATE: I sent a support request to the Rogue Amoeba team in hopes that they will see the value in a Spectrum Analyzer heads-up view of the data, as well as a plug-in architecture for filtering the data. I'm not hopeful, as Fission is lossless by design, but maybe.