Apple Updates Quicktime to 7.6 in Software Update


This morning I saw that Apple had released Quicktime 7.6 in Software Update and the notes said it fixed 7 security holes/bugs and then added additional audio and video support. Since it's a part of the OS, or at least loaded on boot, it's a reboot to install it. Not bad, I still think it's a pretty amazing piece of work.

I can remember using RealAudio (this is pre-Real days when all they did was audio) and setting up a streaming server on a Sparc 20 at my old place. I'd tape record a monthly meeting we had and then digitize and encode it into ra files and put it on the web server for anyone to listen to. It was all there was, and a massive jump in capabilities at the time.

Then came Quicktime and video was on the web. It's come a long way since then, but the effect is still just as impressive - video and stereo audio on the web. Yeah, it's pretty amazing stuff.