Throwing my Name into the Hat for a Good Project


I was reading the RSS feeds the other day and came across this in my reading. It was a "call to arms" for an open source Mac OS X plotting framework. Something I've always wished there were, but nothing seems quite right.

So I decided today to shut up and do it. So I sent Drew my name and a brief description of what I was looking for, and explicit instructions about what he wanted me to do. I'm no fool - one chief, lots of braves. I'm a brave on this guy.

That's OK. If I can get this to a point that it does all I need from VantagePoint or DataGraph and it's something I understand and can work with, then that's fantastic. It's certainly something to get involved in and see if I can make it better.

I'm hoping this turns out to be a good thing to do. I think it is.